- Translator (German/French/Italian-to-English)
- Baritone, church soloist/cantor
- Information technology engineer
- Contact: richard@chonak.com
Published translations
- Introduction to Mariology by Manfred Hauke (Catholic University of America Press, 2021)
- Catechism of the Catholic Church with Theological Commentary, ed. Rino Fisichella (Our Sunday Visitor, 2019): translated the commentary chapters for Part One of the Catechism, pp. 523 – 870
Other translation projects
- Church documents (1)
- Articles, book excerpts, and interviews in theology and religious studies by Jean Galot (1, 2 [orig]),
Manfred Hauke (1, 2, 3),
Bp. Ratko Peric (1, 2) - Devotional prayer booklets by Jean Galot: Eucharistic Prayers, When You Visit Us
Church musician
- 2016-present: chant choir, St. Adelaide Church, Peabody, MA
- 2016-2018: cantor/soloist, St. Patrick Church and St. Linus Church, Natick, MA
- 2011-2018: cantor/soloist, St. Joseph Church, Lincoln, MA (St. Julia Parish, Weston/Lincoln)
- Stepping Stone Chant Project
- Schola Amicorum
- Plainchant studies under Michael Ferry and Robert B. Hill, also Scott Turkington and Theodore Marier.
Work history
23 years of experience in information technology in research and academic environments: Unix system administration, web applications development, technical support.
Music studies
Bachelor of Music, 2015, University of Massachusetts Lowell, Music Performance (vocal). Student of Mark Andrew Cleveland (2010-2015). Previously: Robert Gartside, Johannah Segarich, and Susan Dill.
Participant in these ensembles:
- 2016 – present: chant choir, St. Adelaide Church, Peabody, MA
- Masterworks Chorale of Boston (2009 – )
- Oriana Consort (2015 – 2017)
- At university: U. Mass. Lowell University Choir (2010, 2012 academic years) and U. Mass. Lowell Chamber Singers (2011, 2013)
- Past seasons: Concord Chorus, Polymnia Choral Society, Harvard-Radcliffe Chorus, Back Bay Chorale
Web projects
- webmaster, Church Music Association of America; technical admin of CMAA’s discussion forum and its blogs “Chant Cafe” and “New Liturgical Movement”
- built on-line interface for Gregorian chant typesetting/engraving using Gregorio software
- Hosting stblogs.org, a collection of notable Catholic weblogs, including Communio and Vultus Christi
- Writer, Catholic Light weblog, (2002 – present)
- The first internet site (1998) with documents on the controversial Medjugorje affair; I still write occasionally on the issue, on the skeptical side of the case.
- Peter Meggison’s website for classic devotional hymns
Informative Catholic sites which I recommend
- Church Music Association of America
- Catholic World News
- National Catholic Bioethics Center
- Catholic Encyclopedia
Personal interests
- My favored open-source operating system: Mageia Linux
- World music and polkas by Brave Combo
- Photo essays by Philip Greenspun: satire, travelogues (to Alaska, in Europe)
- Friends: Eric, Mike, Maria’s shop
Previous studies
- Sc.M., Harvard University (Applied Mathematics)
- B.S., University of New Hampshire (Mathematics; minor in German)
Contact Information:
- richard@chonak.com